
We are proud of our commitment to the environment, as we constantly strive to reduce, recycle and restrain from excessive waste and energy consumption in all Novas manufacturing, distribution and marketing processes.
Key Novas initiatives towards greater sustainability include our prominent online presence and focus on
e-commerce rather than printing.
All paper that is used for our minimal hard-copy printing and promotions must be FSCC (Forest Stewardship Council Certification) or PEFC (Programme for Endorsement of Forest Certification) certified and sourced responsibly.
Specifically, we focus on environmental preservation and aim to improve and develop our products with sustainability at the forefront of our designs and manufacturing.
Novas lessens environmental impacts by manufacturing premium products that provide longevity and functionality, reducing the need for replacements.
Importantly, all stainless steel products are manufactured using premium stainless steel and are not plated, ensuring no waste material or carcinogens are produced in the manufacturing process.
We are dedicated to continuously monitoring our efforts to reduce our footprint, and always look to adopt new sustainability initiatives as they are developed.